Aigronne Valley Wildlife pages

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Wheeeeeeel Hell..oooo Mantis

Wheeel Hellooo tooo You, too!

Another picture post... I think there may be more of these!!
we are really quite busy here with trying to recover as much as possible from the garden...
before winter sets in.
However, this mantis dropped in... or was on the Ficus when I brought it indoors...
it really seemed too good an opportunity to pass up.
It gave me the chance to try out part of my retirement present to myself...
a 100mm macro lens.

One for Halloween, just past....
The Vampire Mantis!

Hey, you followin' me....?

Mantis on the prowl!

La Mante fecund....
now is the time you see the pregnant females....
their husbands tucked safely away...

Sly Mantis... a portrait
I feel that these are the real aliens...
look at the apparatus under her chin...
the pipes for cleaning this planet's atmosphere!!
They just don't want to let us know that they are so small...
(As with all images, this is clickable, so you can see that plumbing up close.)

Her head suddenly snapped round and stared straight into the lens...
I think she might have seen her reflection...
and reacted!
This is the same shot as the first...
as is this next shot...
Which shows the individual facets...
only visible when you look straight down the tubes!

But, this last is perhaps my favourite from all those I took....

Conducting the Dawn Chorus
Caught in the act when I went downstairs...
There will be more of these...
probably the next will be on moths...
or perhaps...

Published by Tim