Aigronne Valley Wildlife pages

Friday, 4 March 2011

Spring is on its way - official


The first of our Tête à Tête daffodils (jonquilles) was declared open today! These fragile-seeming blooms, only 10cm off the ground, have joined the crocuses and snowdrops in celebrating the sunshine, if not the vicious north wind.
Crocuses enjoying the sunshine.

There are a few ground-hugging wild flowers in addition to the hazels and alders shedding pollen everywhere from their catkins. Should the bees be tempted out they will find a bit of sustenance. Common field speedwell veronica persica (veronica de perse) has colonised any patch of bare soil, including the potager area, with its bright blue flowers. The same goes for the red deadnettle lamium purpureum (ortie rouge). In the meadow there are patches of lesser celandine ranunculus ficaria (ficaire), along the edge of the millstream and along the old ditch, hinting at hedges and willow trees long gone, that we are now reintroducing.

Field Speedwell

Red Deadnettle
Lesser Celandine

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