Aigronne Valley Wildlife pages

Thursday, 16 February 2012

More Egret Activity

I said in the last post about the shot I'd missed when I had binos to check out a white blob in the distance.... which turned out to be a pile of split poplar logs.
Today was a little luckier... glanced down towards the river and saw the Great Egret feeding in the meadow near the maples... grab camera... no shot through the kitchen window... field feeder in the way!
Went to front door and opened it very carefully... feeder trees still in way... crept out further and up it went... but I still managed to get these shots... the best yet!

Just lifted off...
Such graceful wings... the yellow beak and all-black legs showing clearly here.
About to lift over our trees and come down... out of shot... on the other bank of the Aigronne!
The equipment sheds below Grandmont are in the background.

I've also been trying a bit of freehand dodgyphotography through the big 'scope... I am improving... but very, very slowly.

This is in the snow using my little Pentax compact camera.
And this one, showing the kink in the neck very clearly, is with my older Pentax... the istD.
Light balance a bit off though... it was still set for snow!!
Now, if it'll just hang around a few days more....

Stop press: Birdguides are reporting 25 sightings of Great Egrets this week for the UK...


Colin and Elizabeth said...

Great shots of such a magnificent bird. We have only seen Grey Herons around here. Love the last picy comment; its one of Elizabeth's favorites "Oh dear, it was still set for ********". I am more of an auto man myself!!!

Tim said...

Normally it is on average white balance... but I did set it for the snow as I was getting very dark pix otherwise... also I tend to use "Programme" mode... Auto with a bit of over-ride capability.
As for herons, we bought La Forge for the millstream, river and water meadow... but it does slow up the work!!