Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 9.8
Mean (min+max) 10.1
Mean Minimum 6.4
Mean Maximum 13.7
Minimum -20.6 on 07/02/2012
Maximum 26.7 on 15/03/2012
Highest Minimum 21.1 on 18/06/2012
Lowest Maximum -6.8 on 07/02/2012
Air frosts 41 |
Rainfall (mm):
Total for period 777.0
Wettest day 371.4 on 16/03/2012
High rain rate 165.6 day 08/08/2012
Rain days 79 |
Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust 45.4 on 05/01/2012
Average Speed 1.2
Wind Run 2045.4 km
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1048.1 on 07/03/2012
Minimum 1002.4 on 23/10/2012 |
December 29th - Sunshine At Last!! |
Month by Month |
January 31st - A Frosty Finish |
Summary for January 2012 |
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 5.4
Mean (min+max) 5.6
Mean Minimum 1.2
Mean Maximum 10.0
Minimum -6.8 day 31
Maximum 14.8 day 10
Highest Minimum 8.7 day 04
Lowest Maximum 1.6 day 31
Air frosts 14
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 37.8
Wettest day 30.0 day 05
High rain rate 25.2 day 05
Rain days 12 |
Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust 45.4 day 05
Average Speed 1.5
Wind Run 982.3 km
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1046.0 day 10
Minimum 1022.6 day 05
February 7th - The Coldest Day |
Summary for February 2012 |
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 0.0
Mean (min+max) -0.4
Mean Minimum -7.1
Mean Maximum 6.2
Minimum -20.6 day 07
Maximum 18.6 day 24
Highest Minimum 3.3 day 29
Lowest Maximum -6.8 day 07
Air frosts 19
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 12.6
Wettest day 8.1 day 20
High rain rate 54.0 day 25
Rain days 5 |
Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust 33.1 day 29
Average Speed 0.9
Wind Run 363.1 km
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1047.4 day 29
Minimum 1024.3 day 29
March 7th - The Potager |
Summary for March 2012 |
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 10.4
Mean (min+max) 11.6
Mean Minimum 3.7
Mean Maximum 19.4
Minimum -4.7 day 04
Maximum 26.7 day 15
Highest Minimum 17.3 day 17
Lowest Maximum 10.6 day 01
Air frosts 5
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 395.1
Wettest day 371.4 day 16
High rain rate 81.0 day 12
Rain days 8
Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust 33.1 day 04
Average Speed 1.7
Wind Run 449.2 km
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1048.1 day 07
Minimum 1023.8 day 16 |
April - Sunshine and Showers [and, yes, the Walnut is that bent!!] |
Summary for April 2012 |
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 16.7
Mean (min+max) 16.4
Mean Minimum 14.2
Mean Maximum 18.6
Minimum 9.6 day 11
Maximum 25.6 day 05
Highest Minimum 18.8 day 18
Lowest Maximum 12.4 day 11
Air frosts 0
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 9.9
Wettest day 6.0 day 26
High rain rate 50.4 day 26
Rain days 3 |
Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust 17.3 day 18
Average Speed 0.5
Wind Run 9.5 km
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1028.1 day 02
Minimum 1021.6 day 26 |
May - The Storms Continue. |
Summary for May 2012 |
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 17.7
Mean (min+max) 17.7
Mean Minimum 16.0
Mean Maximum 19.3
Minimum 12.4 day 12
Maximum 23.4 day 19
Highest Minimum 18.8 day 21
Lowest Maximum 15.7 day 07
Air frosts 0
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 9.6
Wettest day 4.2 day 19
High rain rate 50.4 day 14
Rain days 6 |
Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust 14.8 day 28
Average Speed 0.8
Wind Run 13.4 km
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1029.6 day 06
Minimum 1022.1 day 21
June 21st - The Longest Day |
Summary for June 2012 |
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 17.7
Mean (min+max) 18.1
Mean Minimum 16.4
Mean Maximum 19.8
Minimum 13.4 day 26
Maximum 24.6 day 18
Highest Minimum 21.1 day 18
Lowest Maximum 14.5 day 27
Air frosts 0
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 16.2
Wettest day 10.2 day 22
High rain rate 50.4 day 07
Rain days 8 |
Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust 11.2 day 07
Average Speed 0.1
Wind Run 1.0 km
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1026.5 day 07
Minimum 1015.5 day 29 |
July 7th - A Cauliflower Omen.... but they haven't hearted up yet!! |
Summary for July 2012 |
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 12.7
Mean (min+max) 12.9
Mean Minimum 11.2
Mean Maximum 14.6
Minimum 6.8 day 29
Maximum 28.1 day 03
Highest Minimum 15.6 day 01
Lowest Maximum 8.7 day 26
Air frosts 0
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 15.0
Wettest day 5.1 day 12
High rain rate 36.0 day 03
Rain days 6
Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust 14.8 day 12
Average Speed 0.8
Wind Run 9.7 km
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1025.7 day 26
Minimum 1013.2 day 12 |
August 4th - Another Cold Bright Morning! |
Summary for August 2012 |
Temperature (°C):
Due to a loss of data
there are no temperature records for August
Highest Minimum
Lowest Maximum
Air frosts 0
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 30.3
Wettest day 14.1 day 19
High rain rate 165.6 day 08
Rain days 8
Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust 14.8 day 22
Average Speed 0.4
Wind Run 5.8 km
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1021.6 day 05
Minimum 1003.4 day 19
September 3rd - More Cold Misty Mornings - good for pictures... not for plants.
A ground frost a fortnight later had us barrowing in the Pumkin crop!! |
Summary for September 2012 |
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 13.3
Mean (min+max) 13.2
Mean Minimum 11.5
Mean Maximum 14.8
Minimum 0.4 day 02
Maximum 29.7 day 29
Highest Minimum 15.8 day 29
Lowest Maximum 11.9 day 22
Air frosts 2
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 7.8
Wettest day 3.6 day 13
High rain rate 21.6 day 13
Rain days 4 |
Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust 17.3 day 06
Average Speed 0.7
Wind Run 11.2 km
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1020.3 day 02
Minimum 1010.8 day 13 |
October 5th - Cold, Misty and Damp |
Summary for October 2012 |
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 12.1
Mean (min+max) 12.2
Mean Minimum 10.2
Mean Maximum 14.2
Minimum 0.2 day 29
Maximum 22.4 day 23
Highest Minimum 15.6 day 11
Lowest Maximum 1.0 day 29
Air frosts 0
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 84.6
Wettest day 49.8 day 23
High rain rate 149.4 day 06
Rain days 7 |
Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust 31.7 day 23
Average Speed 0.3
Wind Run 15.7 km
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1038.7 day 31
Minimum 1002.4 day 23 |
November 3rd - Who Spilt The Coffee?
The already water-logged ground from the October rain couldn't take any more...
so the flood plain did its work!! |
Summary for November 2012 |
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 7.2
Mean (min+max) 8.4
Mean Minimum 3.8
Mean Maximum 12.9
Minimum -0.3 day 04
Maximum 17.7 day 10
Highest Minimum 11.2 day 28
Lowest Maximum 1.8 day 02
Air frosts 3
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 87.6
Wettest day 78.0 day 17
High rain rate 16.2 day 26
Rain days 6 |
Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust 30.6 day 10
Average Speed 0.5
Wind Run 112.5 km
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1040.6 day 06
Minimum 1007.5 day 28 |
December 15th - The Remillion washes out the grazing meadow.
Three weeks earlier, the beasts were up to their hocks in mud in this field!! |
Summary for December 2012 |
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 10.4
Mean (min+max) 10.4
Mean Minimum 8.4
Mean Maximum 12.3
Minimum 4.5 day 28
Maximum 16.2 day 29
Highest Minimum 11.7 day 01
Lowest Maximum 8.5 day 10
Air frosts 0
Rainfall (mm):
Total for month 75.8
Wettest day 18.9 day 28
High rain rate 113.4 day 12
Rain days 6 |
Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust 40.3 day 28
Average Speed 1.9
Wind Run 72.0 km
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1030.7 day 16
Minimum 1006.9 day 01 |
December 29th - A Cold Bright Morning! |
Hopefully 2013 will bring us better weather! |
I am flabbergasted by some of these records -- over all your data supports my impression of a cool summer and a mild damp autumn winter, but when I look at the details I am sure we live on different planets! Your microclimate is definitely different to the surrounding area. For instance -- March, which I have noted was hot and dry is by far your wettest month! I seriously wondered if you had accidentally reversed the figures for March and April. I am also surprised at how low your wind gust figures are for months like Oct. I don't keep such detailed records as you, but I've written a report linking weather and wildlife scheduled for next Monday.
Interesting stuff. We don't keep records but do take note of events here and there.
Overall we have a 'feel' that it was cool and wet with the odd 'spike' of warm/hot. March had some very nice weather. We definitely had a day in August when the temp was touching 40C in the shade, north side of the house.
Our coldest wasn't as drastic as yours more around -12/15C and I know we had higher winds--but then we are on a ridge :-)
Part of the difference Susan, may well be down to the more open and wider Claise Valley and the much narrower, heavily wood-sided Aigronne Valley.
The wind gust figures could well be low... we only have two arms on the whirly... there should be three!! But our valley lies across the prevailing wind direction... so we are more sheltered by the woods along the ridges either side than a more exposed open valley or ridge situation. Another thing might be the open, soft nature of our countryside... there is not the channeling of the wind that occurs in a more built up area... we used to have some incredible winds up at the allotments... but those were channeled between blocks of Nth/Sth terraces that funneled and concentrated the prevailing wind.
What I didn't have to do was to spend too much time choosing pictures to match the weather...
Whilst we had sunshine, it seemed to be in the early morning / late evening... nice to get up to... and nice at apero time... but not good for crops.
There was the hot, sunny weather Niall and Antoinette, that came with the drought spell... and that was in August... it was also while the lap-top was "in dock" so the older info in the weather station got over-written by successive new ones.
Well you did warn us it would make sad reading....
A fascinating resource which must have taken quite some dedication to compile!
The only difficulty in getting the readings was working my way month by month through the table that Cumulus generated from the weather station readings.
And the trickiest bit, because I had created a table using Dreamweaver to display the results, was getting the pictures in the right places... I had to do it in the HTML editor, where the interface is more restrictive, and then do the sizing and captions the normal way... with a picture for each month it took a while... so much so that Pauline came over to the longère to find out if I was alright!!
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