Aigronne Valley Wildlife pages

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

"It's raining, raining in my part!"

After four days of continuous rain we've had enough...

I've ordered the timber and begun construction...

it will be one hundred q-bits long and forty q-bits wide...
and flat bottomed to cope with the Loire when we get there...

It will be able to hold three 2CVs, two Traction Avants, a pair of Hogs and a flat Audi...
there will be somewhere for a collection of Welsh Lovespoons...
a kitchen to bake in....
a laboratory with a stereo microscope...
a music room...
a 3D printer bay....
and an animal room...
[just hope they'll all get on with each other for the forty days] and...

This is "ridikuluss!"

It just seems to have rained almost constantly since November....
you know it is bad when you see a snail trying to escape....

"My sources tell me it will get wetter!!


Yes, on Sunday we watched a snail gliding up the lounge window...
there wasn't much else to watch.

Yesterday morning I looked out of the bedroom window to see the Brown Fish Owl* sitting in the meadow....
looking wet and depressed....

Long-Eared Owl.... "Wozzat? Something moved... I know it did!!"
and this morning I looked out of the bedroom window to see the Flag Irises flattened and the river up at least two foot and rich Caramac in colour...

The candy bars are on us, folks!!
on coming down to make tea I glanced at the gauge on the wall to see that we've had 17mm in the last 24 hours...
and I looked through the telescope at the "phizzical" gauge to see it almost full.

47mm... I measured it!!

Forty seven millimetrix....

and now they've "alterd fluckr"

Enough, I say, enough!!


*The Brown Fish Owl [Bubo zeylonensis / Ketupa zeylonensis ] Kétoupa brun

Brown fish Owl
walks more than it flies, looks depressed and can seen plodding along on the riverbanks...
giving a low, mournful hoot...
as it hails from Israel...
this can probably be translated as...
"Fish... I hate fish!! I could murder for a bacon sarnie, me!! Whooooooooooot"

whilst we are all moaning on and on about the weather....
spare a thought for the poor sods in Oklahoma!! 


Jean said...

Ah Tim, I feel your frustration.
Life would be so good if wasn't for the dreadful weather. It's beyond a joke. I feel so sad about the irises. Will they beget new irises next year? I really hope so.
"Ok, you can stop raining now ,we've had enough !!!"

GaynorB said...

Tim is offerng his woodworking skills to help, but only if when the rest of the animals get in 'two by two', there is room for us!

Tim said...

Naturellement, Gaynor!! We wouldn't just be taking your Flataudi and Love Spoons, now, would we?
And it is more cars than animals...
And I've not the skills to use the 3D printer, but TotherTim has...

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Think we should combine forces and start work on a flotilla....

Tim said...

No... 3 2CVs includes yours!!

Niall & Antoinette said...

Katinka wants to know if there's room for her and her feeders as well as their Rav4...she's not that bothered about Shadow she informs me!

She's very tired of using her water wings....

Tim said...

Room already for you and Katinka... but you'll have to tell her she'll need to get used to a Traction Avant back seat once the water subsides....

There will be a small hideaway for Shadow... it is on the plans.... RonRon told me to put it in... I thinkl she hopes that Baron will take to using it as well... and stop biting her backside to get her to move from HER chosen spot!!

The Rav4 will have to be moth-balled for the duration... or swapped for a real Land Rover...