Aigronne Valley Wildlife pages

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

It's not all about Myrtle...

The first of a few picture-posts about some of the other wildlife that we've seen here....
over the past couple of months...

No, honestly, it isn't that we are preoccupied by moorhen activity....
although Myrtle has taken up quite a lot of our blog space over the past few months.

It is also about seeing...

....a Grizzled Skipper backlit by the morning sun...
 when you had seen it....

....on the same plant the previous evening!!
It's also about seeing...

a Kingfisher through the kitchen window...
and it stayed put until you'd rushed upstairs to get a clearer view...

"This is my left profile....
...and this? My right!!"

It's about being out of an evening and meeting...

...Mrs.Toad going about her business.
or seeing a....

...a Glow-worm halfway up the longère wall....
using the white to double her glow.
Or seeing....

...a male Beautiful Demoiselle delicately perched on a leaf, near Myrtle's platform...
the metallic blue and green sparkling in the sunlight...
or seeing...
... a Leaf Cutter Bee in the act of taking a large chunk out of...
the Cut-leaf Maple that we'd raised from seed!! What a cheek!!!
It's about trying to photograph Orioles.... they fly towards the house...
(it is the yellow blob)...
...and actually getting something recognisable...
it is a male... it is black and bright yellow...
hold it... I can see the eyes!!

It is all about SEEING...
seeing the world a hundred different ways....

through a hundred little lenses!!

Hope you enjoyed this...
there will be more!!


GaynorB said...

Gorgeous pics !

Susan said...

super dooper! A lovely series of photos. I look forward to more.

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Great pics !!

Anonymous said...

I particularly like the action shot of the leafcutter bee.

Sheila said...

I could have kept scrolling
down, down. Glad to learn there
will be more.

Afrenchgarden said...

Beautiful photographs. What are you feeding the Kinfisher that you have got it coming to the window? I covet your shot of the leaf cutter bee. I have a leaf cutter building in my bee hotel at the moment and I am not sure what leaf she is using.I have been trying to colour match the pieces she is using. I have never seen one in action yet. Amelia