Aigronne Valley Wildlife pages

Friday, 15 April 2016

Mega Migration Arrival

We spotted a Bearded Tit yesterday....

a Bearded Great Tit!!

Actually, it was helping itself to the donations of nesting material....
from the cats!


Afrenchgarden said...

Do you recommend putting out nesting material near the feeder at this time of year? If so what. I have no hairy animals in the house. Amelia

Le Pré de la Forge said...

It isn't vital, but they do take advantage of the cat hair when it is out....
that column also contains mine!!
The RSPB sell sheeps wool bundles and a special holder...
which looks strangely like their 3-ball fat ball holder!
I brush our two mogs regularly at both the moulting seasons...
I had a house in Scotland for a while and used to clean the barbed-wire fences of sheep and shaggy highland cattle hair....
I tried some of our hemp wool insulation...but it was ignored in favour of the cat hair...
but without animals, I would suggest asking at the nearest "poodle parlour"...There must be one near you...the French have made pampering their pets almost a religion!! Feathers are also a good bet... the small birds are in and out of the chickens' coop all day!
hope that helps.