Aigronne Valley Wildlife pages

Monday, 3 April 2017

News Alert, News Alert, News Alert, News Alert, News Alert, News Alert,

News Alert, News Alert, News Alert, News Alert

Exciting news will be appearing here later today!!

....on a more mundane level, the moth trap has had two runs so far this year....
....the ducks are looking for somewhere to nest....

....and we have a nest of vipers....
....actually no... a nest of viperine snakes... coulevres viperines...
a relative of the grass snake.


Jean said...

Sounds exciting!

Tim said...

For us it was.....

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Can't wait!!!

Le Pré de la Forge said...

Well, it's now posted!
A beaver... we never for one moment expected half the wildlife we've seen here....let alone signs of beaver activity.... and video confirmation of the fact!