Aigronne Valley Wildlife pages

Friday, 30 March 2012

Can't tell me Stork from mutter!

We were having last years bonfire today... along with this years. Great fun, huge heat.... especially on a hot March day.
But as we were taking a well earned drinks break, I pointed out to Pauline a huge bird circling overhead... a lone Black Stork [Ciconia nigra] Cigogne noire... it was probably using the heat from the bonfire to add lift to those huge wings.

The camera chose to focus on the moon... but who cares... beats a vampire any day!
Here the stork is in focus.
Right overhead...
The sunlight gives it an almost "plasticy" look.


Pollygarter said...

Amazing pictures Tim!

Susan said...

Woweeee! You lucky lucky things! and you know from a previous correspondence I forwarded to you just how rare these are in France - fewer than 200 birds.

Tim said...

We have seen them quite regularly around here... they are believed to nid in the Preuilly/Loches woods at Charnizay... that is the only place we've seen two at the same time.
They are also in the book as being possible nesters in Barrou, which includes a large hunk of the big Grand Pressigny woods... and that is the direction this one was headed.

About Paris said...

Great Photographs - love the one with the moon!

Niall & Antoinette said...

WOW!!and WOW!! Lovely shot of the stork right overhead. Birds are putting on a show for us all aren't they :-)

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Yes, we agree with Jim and Pauline - the shot with the moon is gorgeous!