Aigronne Valley Wildlife pages

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Sous l'Étang - A Grand Day Out... the final part.

From the Maison de la Nature, we drove the short distance to the other new hide at the Étang de la Sous.
This is beyond the older hide overlooking the ponds at the back of Étang Ricot...
so drive on past the first parking area and stick to the D44 until you reach the second. [Near a slight bend to the left]

The Étang de la Sous information board.
This was going to be a short stop to see what the lake had to offer... before driving back to to the Étang Purais to see what afternoon light gave us at the viewing point.
There was a lot of activity, but nothing really special... some good views of Teal [Anas crecca] Sarcelle d'hiver... along with coot, cormorants and colverts [Mallard duck]... so the rest of this blog will be in pictures...

Coot [with a tide line!]


Colverts... and a couple of female Teal
A'dabbling we will go...o... a'dabbling we will go!

Teal... one up... three down

Teal... two up... two down

Six posts from a trip to the Brenne... and in winter, too... must go more often!

Go on! Quack orf outa here! 'Smy trunk!!

And we never did make it back to the Étang Purais.

Mallard Airways... flight 4468 (short-haul)... leaving for another étang!


GaynorB said...

Perhaps if you are making a trip out at some time when we are in residence you can give Tim a guided tour? He is really interested in photographing and finding our more about the wildlife in the Brenne.

Tim said...

With pleasure Gaynor... why don't you both come... the Brenne is not just for the birds!