Aigronne Valley Wildlife pages

Monday, 26 March 2012

First cuckoo of spring

We heard our first cuckoo cuculus canorus coucou gris yesterday! It sounded more like an "oo-cuck-oo", rather hoarse and rusty, and just the one call, so he was probably just passing through. No photo, naturally - we didn't see him, but the cuckoo has actualy quite a weak call, so if you can hear him, he's close enough to see.


Colin and Elizabeth said...

We heard our first on Saturday and then everyday since. Interesting about the call being weak and the cuckoo being close enough to see... Will be out with the lens next time he shouts!

Susan said...

No cuckoos yet, but our first swallow today.

Tim said...

And our coucous still haven't produced any flower shoots.... Pauline also thought she heard Stone Curlew calls last night over the plateau... and with her hearing, she was probably spot on!

Pollygarter said...

C&E: he may be close enough - but can you see him? Our stone walls make some weird echos!