Aigronne Valley Wildlife pages

Saturday, 1 March 2014

February Filldyke

Here's the wet weather summary for February.....

February 2014

Temperature (°C):
Mean (min+max)   8.3 (Mean Minimum     3.5 / Mean Maximum     13.2)
Minimum           -0.9 day 03
Maximum          19.2 day 24
Highest Minimum  8.5 day 20
Lowest Maximum   8.0 day 11
Air frosts       3

Rainfall (mm):
Total for month  64.2 [2013 - 49.5
Wettest day      12.3 day 13
High rain rate   7.2 day 08
Rain days        18... 12 in 2013

Wind (km/h):
Highest Gust     45.4 day 07
Average Speed    5.6
Wind Run         3783.8 km

Pressure (mb):
Maximum          1022.2 day 27
Minimum          985.0 day 10

February 2013

Temperature (°C): 
Mean (min+max)   5.4 (Mean Minimum     0.5 / Mean Maximum     10.3)
Minimum          -4.2 day 20
Maximum          15.4 day 19
Highest Minimum  5.9 day 01
Lowest Maximum   5.5 day 12
Air frosts       9

Rainfall (mm):

Total for month  49.5 [2012 - 12.6mm]
Wettest day      20.4 day 01
High rain rate   18.0 day 09
Rain days        12

Wind (km/h):

Highest Gust     36.7 day 05
Average Speed    0.7
Wind Run         334.9 km

Pressure (mb):

Maximum          1031.5 day 03
Minimum          995.5 day 10



Susan said...

Great pics to illustrate a thoroughly miserable month weather-wise, except for a couple of spectacular sunny days. Everything's wet, wet, wet.

Tim said...

Glub, glub...
going under for the third time!!

Thanks Susan...
I'd selected the February 2013 picture as a choice of two for the "2013 Weather Review of the Year"...
but chose the other instead...
so this seemed a good place to put it...
the camera didn't want to look outside...
just kept focusing on the raindrops!!

On the otherhand,thanks to three almost NON-rainy days....
we now have a "posh" raised flowerbed to greet people as they arive through the gate!

But Pauline was weeding the fève bed yesterday....
and was seeing water at less than a Centipede down...
and as we walked round the verger area...
we were splodging!!
And there were areas of standing water...
but the humidity had fallen to 40% by the end of the afternoon...
so things will start drying out...
won't they?

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Wet and windier then...

Our garden is still like a bog but the AccuWeather site is giving it very good after tomorrow. Need to get mowing!

Tim said...

Don't you mean InaccuWeather?
Can you get caterpillar tracks for an Autoportee??

Colin and Elizabeth said...

At the moment I could do with em...

Afrenchgarden said...

Filldyke and every nook and cranny. I think we got even more rain than you but I not competing!

Jean said...

It's getting wetter chez vous year after year!
Maybe Derbyshire's not so bad after all.......
Only kidding !!
It's great to have the statistics to prove what everyone is thinking so thanks for that.