Aigronne Valley Wildlife pages

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Orchids go on line

Here's an exciting piece of news for French orchid-spotters, from Benjamin Griard, for the Faune-Touraine team:

The VisioNature family of websites has grown. The National Orchid Society "la Société Française d'Orchidiphilie" has just put a national data entry site on line:

Its purpose is to collect your data on wild orchids. You can log on to it, as with all the other sites of this type, using the same identifiers (your e-mail address and password) that you use currently on Faune-Touraine. It will soon be spring and the orchids will soon be back! 

Good observations!

If you aren't already registered on a VisioNature site and would like to be, you can join directly on orchissauvage, or via the faune-touraine website if you live in Indre et Loire, or from one of the "other sites" if you live in elsewhere in France. Be prepared for a question about your background in Natural History (e.g membership of organisations, etc) and it's all in French, of course. I have undergone a crash course in bird names and behavioural descriptions (comportement) and made a couple of stupid mistakes, but the team has been very kind.

VisioNature is a great way of learning what's around and where you might see it. The gallery of photographs is always worth a look - there are some professional-quality pictures there, look out for Céline's work in particular.

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