This was our first visit to the house after purchase... hence the single day [we were too busy getting used to the area and measuring up, making wild plans, etc.]
Birds seen:
- Kestrel
- Buzzard
- Hen Harrier [although now we think these records may actually be the Montagues - we tend to see Hen Harriers over by Barrou and along the Claise valley]
- Blue Tit
- Great Tit
LBJs: [Little Brown Jobs]
- Linnet
- Chaffinch
- House Sparrow
MIJs: [More Interesting Jobs]
Black Redstart >>>
- White Wagtail
- Whinchat
- Stonechat
- Goldfinch
- Green Woodpecker [or Grey?]
- Blackbird
- Starling
- Robin
- Wren
- Swallow
- House Martin [don't know where these are nesting... not at ours... although they are often in large number with the swallows]
BJs [Big Jobs]
- Jay
- Carrion Crow
- Wood Pigeon
- Collared Dove
- Mallard
Birds heard:
- Nightingale
- Turtle Dove
19/12/2009 New material added from the Nature Diary in the house:
17 May 2003
- Stone Curlews nesting in the field opposite.
- Montagu's Harrier quartering the field when M.Sallais was turning the hay.
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