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Cloth of Gold at the end of a Rainbow... [taken from our lounge window] |
Wot a munth...
wot a depressin' munth!!!
Still... here's a weather revue...
...for our very grotty May
Temperature in °Centipede
Minimum* 1.3°C on the 24th
Maximum 27.0°C on the 7th
Highest Minimum 13.1°C on the 8th
Lowest Maximum 12.4°C on the 20th
Mean Minimum 6.6°C
Mean Maximum 19.1°C
Air frosts* 0
Rainfall in mm [given what we have had... think of mm as Metric Metres!!]
Total for month 64.5mm
Wettest day 10.8mm on the 21th
High rain rate 16.2mm on the 8th
Rain days 17
Wind in kilometres per hour
Highest Gust 15.8km/h on the 8th
Average Speed 0.0km/h
Wind Run 0.4 km
Gale days 0
Pressure in millibars
Maximum 1014.4mb on the 13th
Minimum 989.0mb on the 16th
Here's hoping we get a better dose in the next couple of months... for the farmers as well as us!!
* For Susan.... on the 24th the Apparent Temperature was below Zero°C from 4:30AM to 6AM...
That sounds about right. That will be why my basil has turned up its toes and Madame la Voisine's fruit has all fallen.
PS What a fun pic!
Was better weather in Lancashire UK by the look of your figures. We certainly did not have that amount of rain. Wot a surprise especially for Lancs!!!
Our Basil, which we grow from seed and planted out before we went back has survived, just. The only thing that has grown well is the grass!
Lets hope for some sun over the next few weeks.
Beautiful photograph, Tim.
The stats back up your weather rants. Staffordshire felt better but I haven't got the stats to prove it. It is certainly wonderful as I type.
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