Aigronne Valley Wildlife pages

Friday, 15 February 2019

Hello once more.....a change to the blogging style!

Yes, it is over six months since anything was posted... but things keep getting in the way....
So for the time being, I will just post pictures and a smidgin of text!!

Firstly... Pauline was awoken at 1AM by an overflight in the moonlight of thousands of cranes...
they didn't wake me... too tired these nights.

So, although it was impossible to take pictures anyway.... here's a gratuitous shot of some cranes headed in the same Northwesterly direction....

A flight of four....
{part of a much bigger one!!}

Last year was spent trapping and photographing moths....
These are just a couple from a series....
"Invertebrate on a stick!"
....trying to take "non-textbook pictures that show the beauty of these creatures we live amongst....

A Barred Sallow [Xanthia aurago]
{quite a cutie}
A European Hornet [Vespa crabro]
{these also hunt at night and I frequentlyget them in the trap!}

So... just a couple... but I have hundreds of pictures to work through!

As Arnie said....
"I'll be back!!"


Sheila said...

Glad to know we can expect to hear more from you. Such colors on that Barred Sallow.

Le Pré de la Forge said...

Sheila, yes.... it is a pretty little thing

K said...

Beautiful moth! Amelia

Le Pré de la Forge said...

Amelia... yes it is.... such a sweet face!