Aigronne Valley Wildlife pages

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

House of flying Baggers

Outside our bedroom window hangs a bird feeder stocked with sunflower seeds, along with a fat-ball on a wire. These are visited by a constant stream of blue tits and great tits which have become adept at extracting the seeds. Yesterday the supply ran dangerously low, so we received a deputation - three great tits and a blue tit perched on the window bars, the largest of the great tits rapping on the glass with his beak. Bagger the tom cat flung himself at the window with a great thump, much to the birds' amusement. They simply retreated a little into the sprawling branches of the buddleia while we retrieved the feeder, refilled it and hung it up again. Then straight back they came. Tim has now made secondary double glazing panels in a thick plastic film, to protect the glass from the cat, and vice versa.

Cats watching birds

Bird watching cat

We have seen other species - chaffinches, robin and dunnock picking up "crumbs" from the ground; nuthatch and great spotted woodpecker briefly in the pine tree - but the tits are always present. Behind the laiterie we installed a fat block filled with dried insects, from Gamm Vert, and this lasted no time at all! Tim is now making his own fat blocks, using the Gamm Vert packet as a mould.
Hello.... is there anybody in there?

I said HELLO! Rat-a-tat-tat!!!

Look.... no wings!!


Susan said...

See, there is a use for all those deceased cluster flies. I hope Tim is incorporating them into the fat balls - if they are not to old and crispy they should be full of fatty goodness for little birds.

Tim said...

Yup, I went round each window and gathered 'em up, srirred 'em in and served 'em up.
Bats next week if that's OK with you.... having to make glass protector has used up valuable time this week [as has fitting a rectangular shower front into a trapezoidal opening!!]

Amanda said...

I love the photos, particularly the first one.

Stuart and Gabrielle said...

We've just had a few days holiday in Normandie and went to Naturospace, a tropical ecosystem inside a building, with huge butterflies flying freely, and Chinese quail running around on the floor, controlling the ants. You'd love it! Here's the link, in case you have any plans to visit Honfleur.

Stuart and Gabrielle said...

Oops, forgot that link:

Pollygarter said...

Nadege, Bagger is on the left.
Stuart & Gabrielle, Naturospace looks an excellent place to visit. If you ever go to Leeds, try Tropical World!